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Bushing for pedal (nylon sleeve inside brake pedal) 2002 1969/76
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Bushing (nylon sleeve inside clutch pedal) 1600/2002 1969/76
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Bushing (steel sleeve inside clutch pedal ) 1600/2002 1969/76
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Tension spring (clutch pedal)--pedal box eyelet to pedal
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Bushing (fits 1600 mechanical clutch) at block or frame for intermediate shaft
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Protective Boot (for 1600 mechanical clutch) covers bushing at intermediate shaft
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NLA - Bushing (for 1600 mechanical clutch) at push rod ends (3 required) - NLA
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Traction Rod (Threaded) 1600 Mechanical Clutch ( transition arm to clutch fork)
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Safety Ring for Carb linkage (lock wire ) ball socket style linkage
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Support Bushing (Tii) at transition rod on block (2 required)
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Throttle return spring ( at horizontal throttle rod between firewall and carb.)
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Throttle rod (pedal box to whip arm at firewall) tii, replated
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Linkage (Tii) injection pump to idler link (adjustable)
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Gas pedal bushing (nylon) at throttle rod and gas pedal
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Insulator cover for pedal box, top (automatic), used
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